15. Mussismilia harttii
Mussismilia harttii has separated calices that form dichotomous branches. Three morphological variations are denominated laxa, intermédia and confertifolia. The variety laxa has separated calices and characterizes calm water environments. The variety confertifolia has calices placed close together and is commonly found in agitated waters. The variety intermedia, is comprised of all those forms not included in the extreme characteristics of the varieties laxa and confertifolia. The live colony presents a color that varies between shades of gray, yellow, green and brown.
Mussismilia harttii is endemic to Brazil. It has archaic characteristics that have affinities with species found in the Tertiary of the Mediterranean sedimentary basin. It has been sighted from the coast of Rio Grande do Norte state to the coast of Espiríto Santo state, and on the Fernando de Noronha islands. It seems to compete for space with Mussismilia braziliensis, because it is rare where M. braziliensis is abundant, for example in Abrolhos, and is a primary constructor in the reefs of the state of Pernambuco, where M. braziliensis is absent. It usually inhabits shallow waters (2 to 3 m), resisting moderate turbidity, but also occurs in deeper waters (15 to 30 m, and occasionally 80 m).

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